
The policy aims to ensure that:

All members of the public know how to give feedback and the process of making a complaint is simple

Our aim is to provide the best service possible, and while we always strive to achieve this, there will be times when the client is unhappy with the service.

We treat feedback seriously and deal with it promptly, efficiently, courteously and keep the customer informed of the progress

We aim to handle complaints quickly in an effective, fair and honest way.

Improved customer relations are built by resolving feedback during the initial stages wherever possible.

All feedback is recorded and monitored so that we learn from feedback and take action to improve services.

Complaints Procedure

Email [email protected]

Please provide us with your name, contact details plus the details of your complaint and how you would like the issue to be resolved.

We cannot guarantee that the issue will be resolved as to your expectation, but we will listen and do our best to ensure a fair outcome for you.The Complaints Process

All complaints are addressed to the Manager. A written response will be made within 5 working days. If you are happy with the outcome there will be no further action.

If not, then please contact the Manager again along with the details of your proposed outcome. Again, a written response will be made within 5 working days.

If the complaint is regarding a holistic or beauty therapy treatment you have had and we find that the fault lies with our products or the workmanship of the therapist, we will rectify the issue within 5 days free of charge.

Please bear in mind that some of our Therapists are freelance and work in other locations as well as our salon. In such cases we will give your details to the Therapist so that you can both arrange a mutually convenient day and time for the issue to be resolved.

We will forward complaints received in respect of other organisation products or equipment.

We will also take your feedback on board when deciding whether to continue to use such products or equipment in our salon.


All complaints are treated with confidentiality in mind. Only the Manager or Freelance Therapist(s) will be aware that a complaint has been received and is being dealt with.

Anonymous requests will be acted upon, however it is better to provide contact details so that the complainant can be informed of the outcome.

Aggressive or Obsessive Complaints

We aim to deal fairly and honestly with complainants but we also will ensure that we do not suffer detriment from persons making vexatious complaints. Appropriate legal action will be taken in such cases.

Equalities Statement

We aim to handle all complaints fairly and honestly regardless of who makes a complaint. We treat all members of the community equitably and will not show bias to any particular individual or group.

Matters that are Outside the Policy

The following matters are not included in this policy:

Complaints which are subject to legal proceedings