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Category: Our News

  1. Support Wear it Pink 2021

    Posted on

    Well, it is almost the start of October and Breast Cancer Awareness month.

    This year, I will be fundarasing for Breast Cancer Now by running a raffle with 2 fab pampering prizes up for grabs.

    • A Pamper Hamper (which can be posted to you if you are not local) or
    • A Pamper Voucher!  ½ Hr Holistic or Beauty Treatment of your choice (at my treatment room up on Stockport Market SK1

    Ways to enter

    1)      Via my Just Giving Page – please remember to leave your name

    2)      A raffle ticket which you can purchase from me in person

     Suggested minimum donation £5

    Winners will be announced on my Facebook and Instagram page @reviveuk on 1st November, 2021

    Know the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

    See your GP if you notice a change
    Most breast changes, including breast lumps, are not cancer. But the sooner breast cancer is found, the more successful treatment is likely to be.  There’s no special way to check your breasts and you do not need any training.

    Checking your breasts is as easy as TLC:

    Touch your breasts: can you feel anything new or unusual?
    Look for changes: does anything look different to you?
    Check any new or unusual changes with a GP

    • Everyone will have their own way of touching and looking for changes.
    • Get used to checking regularly and be aware of anything that’s new or different for you.
    • Check your whole breast area, including up to your collarbone (upper chest) and armpits.


    Remember if you would like to enter the Wear It Pink Raffle, you can do so here on my Just Giving Page  Please leave your name so I can enter you into the prize draw.

    Until next time



  2. Organic Beauty and Wellbeing Week 2021

    Posted on

    5717 Organic Beauty Week UK-US NYRO Social 1200x1200px v2-min

    It is Organic Beauty and Wellbeing week, part of the wider Organic September, run by the Soil Association.

    Today I wanted to share some of the lovely natural, organic aromatherapy skincare products that I use for Neal's Yard facials in the treatment room.  Products are available for all different skin types and concerns, are of course all cruelty free and many are suitable for vegans.


    If you are love organic products, aromatherapy and are in need of some TLC, why not book a Neal's Yard Facial?The products are also available to purchase for home use, please feel free to contact me for a free, no obligation consultation.

    For the rest of the month, FREE skin care samples, organic tote bags, bookmarks, seeds and tree bombs are also available when you book any organic treatment.  These include the Organic September Pick and Mix Offer, Neal's Yard Facial, all massages, reflexology, aromareflexology and pedicures.  Free gifts are available whilst stocks last. 

    Organic Beauty (4)

    Organic Beauty Yes to

    Until next time

