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Free Holistic, Beauty or Salon Business Plan Template

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Many holistic or beauty therapists who are returning to the industry after a career break, are about to qualify or are recently qualified and intend to become self-employed, start off the next exciting part of their journey  by creating their business vision and plan. 

A business plan is really the foundation for setting up any new holistic or beauty business or salon as it addresses the essential areas of the business.  However, a business plan is not set in stone and is something that can be tweaked or padded out along the way.

The core components of a Business plan include

  • Mission statement - business aims and how you are going to achieve that
  • Vision statement - short, mid and long term business goals
  • Business Description which includes business structure, services, products, location etc
  • SWOT analysis - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the business
  • Target market analysis - to include industry trends, available customers in the business location and also the ideal clients
  • Competitor anaylsis
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Financial Plan
  • Executive Summary

If you are in  a similar situation of just about to start up your own holistic, beauty business or salon and are struggling with this essential next step, I have a free copy of the Business Plan template that I give to my students who do their training with me.

To download your free business plan template, please head over here.  There is also a video to accompany the template which goes over the basic details of how to complete it. 

If you feel that you need more in-depth guidance, I also offer the Business Vision and Plan as a complete module which you can browse here.  I will also be running a full Business Start Up Course and coaching program early in 2022.

Just a note, whilst I am currently based in the UK, the Holistic, Beauty and Salon Business Plan template is relevant to any country in the world. You may just have to tweak the language style as it is written in UK English so our terminology maybe slightly different say to US English.

Well, that's all for now, I hope this is of use to you and good luck with setting up your business!

Until next time



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