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Organic September and Monthly Offers!

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 Organic Septmber

Hi All

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed or survived your summer if you have little ones!

This month is the annual Organic September run by the Soil Association. They have plenty of information about how to adopt a more organic lifestyle, so if you are interested head over to their website.

NYR Wild RoseBeauty Balm

To celebrate Organic September I am offering a Free Mini Holistic Face Massage with Neal's Yard Organic Wild Rose Beauty Balm and Rose Quartz massage stones with all full body massages. This offer is available for the whole month.

Also on Sat Sept 14th I will be hosting a Special Organic Taster Treatment Day, where all 30 mins treatments will be just £17.  Advanced booking is required and there are only 8 slots available.

Organic September Saturday Offer

All the treatments I offer using organic products are from Neal's Yard Remedies  They make high quality skin and body care products using natural ingredients which are farmed without the use of pesticides or insecticides all of which are certified by the Soil Association.

Another Special Offer I have available this month is the Back to School or Uni Deluxe Pick and Mix Package offer for £38.50.  Further details for these offers and all the regular Shrinking Violet Wrap, Loyalty Club and Pamper &Relax Membership Club offers can be found on the Special Offers page.

Stay tuned for next month as I will be fundraising for Breast Cancer Awareness month x

Take Care, until next time



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