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Natural Ingredients for Glowing Skin

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If you want to look after your skin and help your skin to glow, then you’re not alone. Having healthy-looking skin that is dewy, bright, and radiant is at the top of most people’s skincare goals. With an abundance of skincare products out there to choose from, as well as tips and techniques, you might be confused about where to start with it all. Choosing natural products is going to help most skin types to really glow, so with that in mind, here are some of the best things to include into your regime. 

Mineral-based Sunscreen

SPF isn’t something that you should only care about when you’re away on your summer holiday. Sunscreen is something that you should wear all year round to help to protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays. The best kind of sunscreen to look out for is one that is natural and mineral-based, and it should be a product that you use each day on your skin. The kind of ingredients to look for in a sunscreen are things like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, to truly look after the condition and texture of your skin, as well as protect against things like cancer. 


You might have heard of CBD oil being used for anxiety and even for some pain relief, but it can be a great ingredient to add into your skincare routine. The research of late is showing just how many benefits CBD oil has for skin, which can range from helping to reduce inflammation with acne, to helping psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. CBD oil, when added in drops onto your skin or into a natural face cream, has an antioxidant effect. This helps to protect the skin from getting damaged through the everyday free radicals that it is exposed to. 

Look after your gut

We are what we eat, as the saying goes, and that has never been more true when it comes to our skin. If we have digestive issues or problems with our gut, then it can show itself on our skin in different ways. Your gut health is something that is quite complex, which is why it is important, for a number of reasons, to learn how to take care of your gut. Eating gut-friendly foods, like probiotics and fermented products can be some of the best, and things that can cause damage, like processed goods and sugar, should be avoided. Then you’ll be taking care of your gut, as well as your skin. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is something that can be found in food products, but it can also be found in skincare serums and oils, and when applied topically, has a lot of benefits. Vitamin C can help to brighten skin and help to even out skin tone. It can also help when it comes to the elasticity of the skin and helps skin deal with environmental pressure easily. It really is one of the key ingredients if you want to have glowing skin.

In addition to these natural ingredients, it is important to ensure that you keep well hydrated and cleanse, tone and moisturise twice a day and exfoliate and apply a face mask at once a week.

Until next time

Take care



PS Do you need help with your at home skincare routine?

Check out my Skin Care Guide - only £5 - Ebook PDF

  • Identify your skin type and skincare issues
  • Create a skincare routine suited to you
  • Help you choose products that are suitable for your skin type and skincare issues
  • Key information on common skincare issues and which products can help: acne and breakouts, dehydrated skin, dull skin, hyperpigmentation (uneven skin tone), mature skin concerns, rosacea and redness, sensitive skin.
  • A to Z glossary of over 40 popular, effective skincare ingredients 


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