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Organic Beauty and Wellbeing Week 2021

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It is Organic Beauty and Wellbeing week, part of the wider Organic September, run by the Soil Association.

Today I wanted to share some of the lovely natural, organic aromatherapy skincare products that I use for Neal's Yard facials in the treatment room.  Products are available for all different skin types and concerns, are of course all cruelty free and many are suitable for vegans.


If you are love organic products, aromatherapy and are in need of some TLC, why not book a Neal's Yard Facial?The products are also available to purchase for home use, please feel free to contact me for a free, no obligation consultation.

For the rest of the month, FREE skin care samples, organic tote bags, bookmarks, seeds and tree bombs are also available when you book any organic treatment.  These include the Organic September Pick and Mix Offer, Neal's Yard Facial, all massages, reflexology, aromareflexology and pedicures.  Free gifts are available whilst stocks last. 

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Until next time



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