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January Blues Special Offers

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January Special Offers

 Happy New Year and all the best for 2019!

This month I have lots of great offers available, full details can be viewed on the Special Offers page:

  • First up I have a month of January Blues Offers, many of them only £19 to celebrate the arrival of 2019!
  •  Student SOS Stress Relief Offer for all those university students who have January exams.
  • Discounted Early Bird Treatments on Tues and Weds mornings 10am until 12pm
  • For anyone who needs to lose a few inches after the festive season or would to like to kick start a healthy eating and exercise plan or shift a weight loss plateau I have the Shrinking Violet full body wrap offer on all month, saving you £5 or £10 on 1 or two treatments.
  • 10% discount on selected relaxing and destressing Holistic Treatments for NHS, Emergency & Social Services Staff and Teachers

These offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer or be redeemed with any 3rd party gift vouchers.

Stay warm and well!

Until next time



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