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» Listings for 2016

  1. I recently had the pleasure of spending 2 days doing some work place pampering for Fabulous Magazine (part of UK News) in Manchester city centre.  

    I was doing mini manicures for their clients and decided to take nearly all my bottles of CND Vinylux as March is a funny time of year when people choose both winter, spring and summer shades.  This was a wise decision on my part as indeed, the ladies chose dark vampish colours, pastels, blues, pinks and oranges!  

    I even had the pleasure of doing 2 Man Manicures and whilst they didn't choose a polish they did let me buff and base coat their nails.

    Here's a photo of me in my little booth on Day 1 followed by a photo of a set of nails I did with Vinlyux Crushed Rose.

    Fabulous magazine combo

    fab mag day 2 (3)

    For details of Corporate Pampering and Pamper Parties in Stockport and Manchester areas please contact me on 07903 162041 or [email protected]

    Until next time

