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May Special Offers & News

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May Special Offers

Happy May Day!

This month I have a few Special Offers available, for further details, please visit the Spring Offers page.

  • 10% Discount on all de-stressing Holistic Treatments for front line NHS, Teachers and Social Services staff
  • a Student Chill Out offer of £35 for any 1 hr pick and mix of treatments
  • 10% discount on any course of 3 or more holistic or facial treatments.  These are perfect for tackling more long term issues with skin care conditions and for stress relief
  • Save £10 on any 2 Shrinking Violet Body Wraps - these could be for yourself or shared with a friend but separate appointments are required.

Myself and another local therapist/friend have been busy offering On Site treatments for Staff events, so if this is something your workplace maybe interested in, please feel free to contact me Zoe on [email protected]

On Site Massage Manchester and Stockport

Well that's all for now, take care and have a great month!

Until next time



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