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How to Choose Organic Beauty Products

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Many people are switching their beauty products to organic as they are a healthier and more environmentally friendly choice.

In the UK at present, beauty and wellbeing products can be labelled as organic even if they only contain 1% organic ingredients which is scandalous and misleading.

However, if you choose organic beauty products that are COSMOS certified you can guarantee the following standards:

COSMOS Organic

In the treatment room I use Neal's Yard Remedies organic aromatherapy products for massages, facials, reflexology and pedicures.  These are all COSMOS certified organic products.

Here are the types of ingredients that you will find in your products and also a brief explanation of why organically farmed ingredients are beneficial for you, nature and the planet.

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organic ingreidents (1)


Organic Beauty (4)

Organic Beauty Yes to

To find out more about organic farming and the benefits of following an organic lifestyle, please visit the Soil Association's website or follow them on social media.

If you are local to me and are interested in having some pampering with Neal's Yard organic aromatherapy products, then please make an appointment here 

For the rest of the month, FREE skin care samples, organic tote bags, bookmarks, seeds and tree bombs are also available when you book any organic treatment.  These include the Organic September Pick and Mix Offer, Neal's Yard Facial, all massages, reflexology, aromareflexology and pedicures.  Free gifts are available whilst stocks last. 

Until next time



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