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Signs of Ageing You Should Know About!

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The first signs of ageing come to everyone at some stage in life but unfortunately some people's skin ages prematurely.  This is mainly due to poor lifestyle choices such as not having a consistent skin care routine, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, having a poor diet, chronic stress and lack of protection from the damaging UV rays of the sun,  

The thing is, just because you will age one day doesn't mean that you want to look it now, and learning about the signs of ageing on your skin right now will help you to make better choices to help slow down the natural ageing process.

People may use fillers, Botox, NMN, facial peels - the works - to combat the ageing process, but the key is to take care of your overall health and to have a consistent skincare routine with products that suit your skin type. So, let's take a look at some signs of ageing that you should be aware of.

  • Darker spots on the skin one of the first signs of ageing in your skin is a difference in pigmentation. Darker spots tend to show up on the areas of the skin that are exposed to the sunshine frequently. For this reason, it is important that you wear SPF suncreen (minimum SPF 15) throughout the year, even in winter and even on dull, cloudy days.  SPF will also of course also protect your skin from more serious issues such as skin cancer.

  • Dull, lifeless skin - this can easily be reversed by eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, by having a twice daily routine of cleanse, tone and moisturise,  using chemical (like fruit peels) or manual (grainy) exfoliators or radiance enhancing face masks on a weekly basis and by getting a professional facial once every 4 to 6 weeks.  You can also rehydrate the skin by drinking enough water

  • Sagging skin. the skin in the jowels and cheeks are often the first areas where you notice the loss of elasticity which happens as a result of the natural ageing process but also as mentioned, due to poor lifestyle choices and by not taking care of your skin on a regular basis. Certain types of facials such as non surgical face lift can help to boost the production of both elastin and collagen and also help to tone and lift the facial muscles.  In addition to that, certain active ingredients in skin care products such as peptides can also achieve this as well.  So it is wise to start to incorporate effective skin care products in your routine from your mid 20s onwards.

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles - again these are mainly are caused by UV exposure, chronic stress and some will just be formed from your natural facial expressions. UV light works by breaking down the connective tissues in the skin and this contributes to the wrinkles.   Again, using sunscreen on a daily basis, good diet and a consistent skin care routine is vital.

If you would like any further advice about your skincare routine, I offer free mini consultationsand also more in depth paid consultations that include a live facial class.  Please just get in touch for more details

Until next time

Take Care



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