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» Listings for June 2021

  1. If you want to make sure that you get the best result out of your home business, then you are in the right place. Here you can find out the basics of running a beauty service, without having to worry about doing hours of research.

    Pay Attention to Legalities

    If you want to run a business from your home, then you may need to try and get permission from your mortgage provider or even your landlord. It’s very likely that you will also need to take out some kind of insurance too. Other factors include having to sign up with a tax service. Of course, giving health and safety some forethought will also help you out a lot here, so make sure that you keep that in mind as much as possible.

    How to Transform your Home into a Business

    It’s vital that you think about the logistical factors that stand between you and your business. Do you have all of the right tools to facilitate your business? Start by assessing your rooms, and find out if you have enough space to give massages, lashes or even make-up. You also need to make sure that you have the right furniture for your guests too. Of course, at this point, you ideally need to budget as well. You need to think about the cost of buying all of the equipment for your company, and this can include tattoo power supplies or even massage chairs.

    Client Comfort

    Are you happy for all of your clients to have their hair washed or rinsed in your bathroom? If not then you may not want to opt for a colour service for your hairdressing business. You may want to opt for dry cuts instead. If you have the space, you may want to have a backwash unit. Either way, little things like this are important to consider when you think about turning your home into a business. When you have been able to assess everything that your clients are going to need to be comfortable, you can then think about the services or even the treatments that you are going to offer to them.


    Hairdressers tend to find a lot of new business through word of mouth. You have to make sure that you position yourself as being a local service that can provide a service from home. Ask the clients you have now what they think of you, and if they would be happy to recommend you. You may also want to talk about introductory offers as well, as this could help people to get the motivation they need to give your business a go.

    Power of Social Media

    Do your best to leverage the power of social media. Set up a Facebook or even an Instagram page. This will give you the chance to encourage your friends and your family to share your business page for you. You can also include your address so that people know where to find you. This is the best way for you to get things moving.

    If you would like to learn more I have an Beauty or Holistic Business Start Up accredited online course available  , which you can study at home at your own pace.  It is jam packed with essential information and useful checklists to help guide you through that all important start up phase.

    Until next time

    Take Care

